Joni Feiger Ragle

Joni Feiger Ragle getting pinned

Joni is pinned by Lynn Langston Box, Texas, with her 50-year membership pin.

For Joni Feiger Ragle, Illinois, the bonds of sisterhood are woven into every stage of life.

When Joni enrolled at the University of Illinois in 1966, she already knew and admired the values demonstrated by women around her. Her mother, Katherine Feiger, was an alumna of Tri Delta and a friend’s mother, Doris Dixson Garrison, Monmouth, was a Kappa alumna. Kind, gracious and knowledgeable is how Joni describes these sorority role models.

In February 1967, Joni found her sisterhood with Beta Lambda Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Feeling an instant connection, “It was truly about who they were on the inside,” Joni says. The values the women said were part of the organization weren’t just spoken, they were lived.

That bond of sisterhood was with Joni as she graduated, began a career as a teacher and got married. Joni continued to keep Kappa close as she moved to new cities, always getting involved with local chapters or alumnae associations.

By 1985, Joni found herself unexpectedly divorced and picking up the pieces of her life. Determined to move forward, she headed back to school for PR and journalism at the University of Texas so she could better support herself. Turning to Kappa, Joni applied for a Rose McGill Grant to assist with school and living expenses and was granted funds.

“When my circumstances changed dramatically, I thought, ‘You just don’t know what is going to happen in life,’” she says. “I thought, ‘If I get help from Rose McGill, when I’m in a position to give back, that’s what I need to do.’”

Because Joni knows how much it means to receive help, she and her second husband, John, support the Rose McGill Grants to lift up Kappas who face unexpected challenges. Joni not only gives annually but has also included the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation in her will.

“This is women empowering women to do what they can to succeed and letting them know they are important. We have confidence in them,” Joni says.

If you want to join Joni in making an impact, contact Emily Wood-Powell at 614-228-6515 or to learn more.